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Why Search?

Inheritance Data

Why Search?

The Inheritance Data service benefits probate solicitors and financial institutions. From cleaning up your data to improving your customer success rates, we are looking to build a positive working relationship that has mutual advantages for all.

tick Search multiple policy types across your business

Inheritance Data requests different types of searches across all of your systems including active accounts, dormant/lost accounts, savings, investments and pensions. This broad scope will ensure that you are investigating and updating the widest variety of assets within your business.

tick Meet your regulatory obligations
The FCA are becoming a lot more stringent on customer repatriation, and we can help you to adhere to regulation by meeting their legal requirements when investigating probate.

tick Ensure probate is carried out effectively
The probate administration process is already one full of complications, but your co-operation can ensure that your customers experience is as straightforward as possible.

tick Helping to unite your customers with their unclaimed inheritance
By successfully uniting beneficiaries with their rightful money, you will be further strengthening your due diligence success rate and demonstrating best practice.

If you have any further enquiries, email us at and we will be happy to explain more about how our system would work for you.

Have Any Question?

To make use of our tailor made platform, please REGISTER or for a demonstration contact us on